Saturday's Kitchen Tip ~ Fresh Tomato Sauce with Your Grater

'Tis the season...for juicy, ripe tomatoes.  Nothing beats the flavour of vine-ripened tomatoes at this time of year.  And here is a way to add that flavour to your favorite pasta dish without much effort.
All you need is a large holed grater and a few large, juicy tomatoes.   No need to peel, slice or dice.  Place the grater in a large bowl,  cut the tomatoes in half and then slide them back and forth over the grater (cut side down) until most of the pulp is in the bowl.  Ease up the pressure at the end and continue grating until only the tomato skin is left.  (Be sure to keep your fingers up and away from the grater!)
Once that is done, add a dash of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and some chopped fresh basil.  That is the basic fresh tomato sauce, though you can add other ingredients if you prefer (such as minced garlic, fresh oregano or a dash of cayenne pepper.)

Add to cooked pasta and enjoy the sweet taste of fresh tomato sauce.

Note: My granddaughter who kindly grated tomatoes for me so I could take a photo, was invited to stay for dinner!

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